here are some pieces from my painting class this year..
in order, this project comes in at my least favorite. #5
still life with oils... #4
this was my first time to work with oils and I dispised them the whole time. I spent so much time trying to figure them out, that I had to majorly rush to meet the deadline.
#3, color scheme grid/creating soft and hard areas. this one was also very rushed. it is huge actually. acrylic

#2 Corporate Icon! I loved this project. It was actually the first painting we did.
My teacher kept encouraging me to break away from the orignial more, so I used strong warm and cool colors.. an area that the original looked pretty muted. This painting was saterical and I got a kick out of it. I already gave it to on of my best friends Sylia, who is OBSESSED with Sonic, and especially happy hour. I loved this project because it required actual research into the Byzantinne era, and how and why they painted the way that they did. Flat, expressionless faces, and unrealistic looking. All of those things reflected their view of church and religion. love it.
and number 1! My favorite from the class, and our last project.
HORRIBLE lighting. I just took this standing on the couch, looking down at it on my concrete floor. The others were all taken by my prof. in the photography studio, but the colors are SO much better and stonger in person.
First of all, this was oils on a handmade canvas, and I am so glad that this experience with oils went better than my first still live piece (which I have already trashed). This project was a montage, bringing together a nude body part, 2 scientic diagrams, a chair, a Christian symbol, a famous painting, and a word.. they must all come together with a central message. Mine is about love. I'm too tired to explain, but I probably will later.
Logan and I are almost to the end of our premarital counseling and have loved it! One of the most helpful things we worked on was our budget for next semester. and we are so happy to stay that our entire budget can be covered by our income next semester (which is a VERY difficult task to manage, seeing that we are both in school and can only work part time jobs, for min wage or alittle above). We moved into Cimmarron, and apartment complex right next to the school today. It is SO small but so cute, and it just feels so homey, and right for us to start our new lives together. We have gotten so much from registry, and honestly don't have room for it all, SO.. we're keeping it all at Logan's house until we have a bigger place! It is perfect. I can't wait to live there with him. There is nothing like a small place to make you realize how abundently you live.
22 more days. amen.
Becca Lynn