Here are a few things and I am blessed by right now
Otter Creek Church of Christ
We have been SO blessed to be so welcomed by this church. I have never been a big church hopper, so after about 3 Sundays in Nashville, Logan and I settled here. The decision involved quite a bit of discussion over denomination. Logan grew up Lutheran which he misses sometimes, there are aspects big Baptist Churches that I love, but overall, it came down to comfort. The comfort of the accapella music I grew up listening to. Nothing is sweeter to my ears than the voices of believers all around me, singing hymns that have been sung for hundreds of years. We love the hospitality we both experienced in Church of Christ churches, as well as the focus on family and community. The community of such a small but rooted denomination like The Church of Christ allows for uncanny connections. My second Sunday there I met a guy who grew up in the church my grandpa used to preach in in Auburn Alabama, and already knew the name Sam Hill. Logan found it humorous that I was constantly surprised to meet people at church at went to either ACU or Harding, thus pointing out that there are basically 6 big universities affiliated with the Church of Christ. He also pointed out on day that the denomination is not exactly one that I am sure many people are drawn to midway way through life, rather, one that you are either born into, or married into. lol. We tested the theory on our church friends, and found it to be 100% on the dot. We even pushed it further in asking how many generations of Church of Christ their family has passed through.
new friends
Again, Otter Creek has blessed us with amazing friends that we can have fun with, and connect with about all the many stages of life and marriage. We have chefs, teachers, graphic designers, doctors, friends in film, and marketing, and ministry. Newlyweds, houses being built, new jobs, pets, babies on the way, weddings, moves, and engagements! (yay Dia and David!) So many things to connect over, learn from, and look forward to.
My job at the Art Institute
Goodness. I love my job. It's a bit of a roller coaster, but that is good.
My job is dynamic, and allows me to consistently grow and improve. Not only that, but there is upward mobility, something I think is important for a personality like mine. I am using my strengths and major, and applying it to my two favorite things, people and art.
Benita and Wallace
Benita and Wallace are our neighbors. Benita is 85, and Wallace is 90. They got married 5 years ago. For real.
Its really is the classic story. Boy sees girl in the senior center. Boy asks nurse about her, gets her number, and pursues her. He even got on one knee to propose, quickly requesting that she answer because his knee is killing him. They poke fun at each other, laugh, and take care of each other. Wallace will tell Benita how pretty she is, and she will just shake her head and smile. Wallace will nonchalantly tell us about his first football game in 1931, and Benita will about her days when she would tear up the dance floor with the jitterbug and what not. Their story has not always been easy or simple, but it is beautiful.
Logan wrote about them recently here