Above is a picture of us in the Pulmonia cars. They look like a golf cart but with the engine of a VW Bug. And the are called Pulmonia cars because the inventor made them in the coldest winter Mazatlan had ever had, and because it is completely open (like a golf cart) he died of Pmunonia! Crazy. They are only in Mazatlan, Mexico, and are their versions on taxis. It was SO annoying because we walked most everywhere (75 degree weather ALL the time) and they would honk and pull up next to us and try to get us in. At one point we were actually trying to get one, and two pulled up at the same time and were fighting over who got us. We both walked up to different ones, and stood there while the drivers fought, so I got scared and jumped in one, knowing that Logan would just get in the one I was in. Ah!

I told Logan that I was going to go write in the sand down the beach alittle where it was more packed and better for writing, so he watched me from the lawn chair the whole time. While I was writing and playing in the sand, this man walks up and asks me if I am from Canada... (75% of tourist there are from Canada! It's so weird!!) I tell him no (curtly to have him leave me alone), and he proceeds to say that I look like I am, and tells me hes from Toranto, asks where I'm from, blah blah blah. I look over at Logan down the beach and see that he is already walking toward me (my hero!! lol) By this time the guy is really giving me the creeps, and asking how long Im there for, and I say I'm on my honeymoon with my husband (and point to Logan who is almost to us) and he awkwardly walks off and gets into a TENT ON THE BEACH WHERE HE HAS EVIDENTLY BEEN LIVING. haha Logan was like "I leave you alone for 5 minutes in Mexico and a homeless guys trying to lure you into to his tent.."

There were these BEAUTIFUL thick trees with intertwining thin trunks that looked like above ground roots. I would basically stop and look at them we walked by them, and they were all over our resort so that happened alot. This is Logan puttin out the Vibe on one of them. lol

There was so much history in Mazatlan, and one day we took a city tour and got to hear all about it. There are basically 3 parts to the small city. The part that is really rough and covered in graffitti, the "gold zone" that is the tourist area were we stayed, and old Mazatlan. I LOVED old Mazatlan. The picture above is what the streets looked like there. It is obvious that that streets are so narrow that you basically walk down them (kind of like in New Orleans). There were mexican bakerys and art galleries everywhere. There is one area called "The Square" and it surrounded by a square of resturants and stores (but NOT touristy stores). There is a wide sidewalk around the perminter, but cars are not allowed. In the middle of the square is a park with beautiful green grass, and benches and pavilians in twinkle lights all over them. The history of it is that WAY back when, men and would would walk around the square in opposite directions (women closed to the park walking clockwise, and men walking closed to the resturant walking counter closewise). What happened, it that the men would have a rose, and we the time was perfect that they would passing a beautiful women that they wanted to ask out, they would drop the rose at her feet. If she picked up the rose, they went on a date. Now this area is DATE CENTRAL. Resturants, icecream shops, coffee shops, art galleries, operah houses, museums, and concerts everywhere. Anyway, I loved picturing that when we were there. So our tour guide took us there on a Tuesday afternoon, and it was quiant but not "happening" lol, so he said that the best time to come was on a Thursday, Friday, or Saturday night. So, Logan and I got all dressed up and took a Pulmonia taxi there on Friday night. I had NO idea what to expect, but it was honestly like a dream. No cars or honking.. which was a huge relief lol. The whole side walk was covered in tabled and chairs, with candles and menus at the seats. Basically, the resturants moved everything outside into the street. There were lights strung above us and atleast 5 bands playing all different kinds of music (and somehow the accoustics were perfect, because you could only hear them when we were right by them, and they didn't interfere with eachother. As your walked around the square, and were podiums with menus on them, so you could look at the menu and chose whether to stop there or keep looking. There were SO many people there eating and enjoying the incredible food, and mostly couples which totally set a romantic atmosphere. As we walked we came around a band playing Wish You Were Here by Pink Floyd and it was amazing..and in English. Logan took a video with his iPhone, which i'll try to upload onto here.. if I can figure it out. Anyways, it was amazing. We ate at an amazing resturant, then walked around the square and listened to musicans, and walked jugglers and tricks. Then got coffee drinks and talked in a quant old coffee shop. Basically it was a perfect night, and unfortionaly my camera ran out of battery (which I forgot my charger) so I have one picture..that I will post later. lol

I read a book called Middlesex, Pulitzer Prize winning novel about a Greek family and the coming of age of a girl name Calliope, who had inherited a mutated gene, resulting in her hermaphrodism. It was heartbreaking and beautiful, but at times really hard to read and straight out odd. The book makes you think alot about gender and nature versus nurture.
I honestly don't recommend reading this book if you get squimish about same sex intimacy and the details about her sexual organs. I had a hard time reading it at times, and had to take several breaks because it was alittle too out of my comfort zone. (just being honest) But I did enjoy the book and am so glad I read it. I feel like I understand so much more about the struggles and battles of individuals with this, and am definately more compassionate and less judgemental.
Logan read a book called Blink by his favorite author Malcolm Gladwell. Its summary: "It popularizes research from psychology and behavioral economics on the adaptive unconscious; mental processes that work rapidly and automatically from relatively little information. It considers both the strengths of the adaptive unconscious, for example in expert judgement, and its pitfalls such as stereotypes." He absolutely loved it. For V-day I got him The Tipping Point by the same author, and he got me the complete set of Jane Austen novels!

One of my favorite days of the whole vacation was when we rode on this "sail". The guy that directed the sail was named TeTa and was so funny and laid back. and whole bottom was completely flat, and you just laid down or sat on it, and held on to ropes. AND the sail behind our heads would occationaly change directions and fly over our heads, and TeTa would tell us to duck RIGHT as it would about to take off our heads. lol

I LOVE this picture of Logan. We were so happy and at peace, riding the waves for an entire hour and talking. Logan and I really had time to just enjoy eachother on the honeymoon without time contrants or obligations. We stayed up all night one night just talking and laughing and telling stories we were amazed to have never heard from eachother. I loved every minute of it, and feel so blessed to have had that sweet amazing time with him before we started our life and Abilene. It taught us to put things on hold and enjoy eachothers presense.

One more story! So our whole day there I we decide to go to a little local store to get from milk and cereal and snacks for our room. While I'm in there I suddenly have to go to the bathroom really badly (I drank a SIP of water the night before because I was so dehydraded and we hadn't stocked up on bottled water yet). So I ask the guy at the check out and literally have to act out going to the bathroom because he doesnt know any english.. and I don't know any spanish lol.. and he tells me its next door. So I tell Logan that I am going to the bathroom NEXT DOOR and that I will be back in a second. Well, I have a little trouble finding the bathroom, and didn't feel that great, lol, so when I came back Logan was no where to be found and in the store, and the guy doesn't speak english.. and I'm asking him where my husband went. He tells me something about the pharmacia. ?? So I walk out of the store and am kind of freaking out. I am being a swimsuit with a pretty sheer cover up and flip flops (we were going to the beach when we decided to stop and get water and stuff). So there I am standing in an unfamiliar area, practically naked, with honking and people trying to tell me stuff everywhere, and these 3 Mexican guys walk up to me and try and give me a hug and tell me Happy New Year. So I practically run to this little mexican lady that is working at a tourist booth for like, boat adventure packages, and just stand with her for santuary. lol I tell her that I can find my husband and that I am freaking out. She knows alittle english because she works with tourist, and so she says... "You are so young! How long you been married?" At this point I start bawling and cry "2 DAYSSSSSSSS!!!" lol... thinking how funny it must be to meet this girl in a swim suit on the street, crying because her husband "left" her after 2 days.. which is what I think she thought happened. haha. So I decide to so on the corner of the street so that I can see from all angles in Logan is coming. (it is engrained into me that if you get lost you stay put.. ) So FINALLY I see Logan coming toward me from down the street smiling, and I am ready to kill him and flail my arms at him from far away as to communate (WTH!?) lol. He knew he was in trouble at that point and stopped smiling. He got to me and I was crying and mad at him. He thought I went to the bathroom at the the hotel, and since we got milk and it was warm outside, he went to put it in the room (oh year, I didn't have a room key or purse or wallet on me or ANYTHING) Anyways, we made up 20 minutes later, and he never let me out of his sight after that. :)
The honeymoon was perfect, but it doesn't compare to living together. Just this morning I told Logan that I am still so surpised at how fun he is to live with. He is so unpredictable with his singing and dancing (attempts to wake up my zombie self in the morning). I love him and love living life along side him. It's no vacation, but somehow its better.. because its real.
"But we'll always have Mazatlan"
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